The 2019 Maitland Show

2018 Rural Ambassador winner, Chris Hutchinson, will open our 2019 Maitland Show.
Chris has a passion for volunteering in his local community. Not originally from a farming background, he has embraced the culture and rural life for nearly 13 years. Chris is passionate about the role of country shows bringing people together and says they are a 'vital asset' to growing country communities.
Our 2019 Maitland Show will be packed full of entertainment including:
For the first time in more than 12 years we will be holding a UTE MUSTER. There will be a number of categories including:
Best Ford Ute, Best Holden Ute, Best 4WD Ute, Best Chick's Ute, Best Classic Ute, Best Feral Ute, Best Work Ute, Best Street Ute, Best B&S Ute, Best Country Ute, Champion Ute, and a People's Choice Award.
We have Circus Elements returning with their Griffini Show where the audience will enjoy the antics of Griffini atop his gargantuan unicycle. They will also provide Circus Workshops to teach children some balancing and juggling skills.
Also returning will be Xtreme Trials Show. National and international award winning motorcycle trials rider, Adrian Harry will amaze onlookers with his skill and control as he navigates almost any obstacle put before him on his specially designed trials bike. Adrian can climb vertical walls, jump over logs and pipes, even cars.
A first for the Yorke Peninsula - CAR SOCCER
Gary Baxter who usually brings the V8 entertainment to our show will this year bring us car soccer. Two teams of two cars will try to push and manoeuvre a specially designed giant soccer ball over a metre high from one end of the oval to the other to score goals. This was first seen at the 2018 Adelaide Royal Show and was an instant crowd pleaser.
Come along to the shearing shed for a new interactive experience centred around sheep shearing and wool handling.
Returning after its popularity last year will be Golfing Gopher with his 9 hole mini golf course. Fun for the whole family.
COUNTRY CHALLENGE will also be back - bring your mates along to complete in the fun challenges.
Don't miss the National Trust Display which this year will be in the main pavillion.
Live music will be provided by Australian Country Music Hands of Fame recipient Jim Hermal and his band. Jim has toured Australia and overseas in places such as Nashville for over 30 years. He teams up with his wife, Virginia, and sister-in-law, Lynette, to provide an amazing evening of country music.
Other returning favourites will include: the Model Railway in the Scout Hall, Healey's Animal Nursery, our annual Piston Cup Lawnmower Racing, Baarbaara and Shorn and their children, and our R/C Trucks.
As usual the evening will conclude with the very popular fire works.
Welcome to our 141st show.
This day is for families, friends, visitors, and all members of the community to come along and catch up in a safe and enjoyable environment. Families why not take the opportunity to purchase a family ticket for $20 available from the office prior to the day.
There will be plenty of entertainment for everyone including the traditional street parade at 11am and the finale fireworks.
The Pavilion will host a great display of competition entries showcasing home grown produce, baked goodies, jams and preserves along with exhibits showing skills in hobbies such as floriculture, photography, metal and woodwork construction, needlework and the large variety of entries by children of all ages. We invite all to participate in these competitions.
I would like to thank the sponsors, convenors, judges, volunteers and the committee for their services.
Graham Mattschoss
Show President
South Australia